- Attended the annual Province meeting in Fayetteville alongside other local Sigma Chi Chapters- Paired with Gamma Phi Beta for the upcoming 2025 Homecoming- Continued our annual Spring Intermural Basketball league, in which we enter multiple teams per pledge class and compete for a playoff spot in the OSU league- Initiated 7 New Members- Date Party with Kappa Delta and Gamma Phi Beta- Destination Formal in Austin, Texas- Hosted the "Coach Lutz Radio Show" broadcasted February 27th
- Entered three teams in the Kappa Delta Shamrock softball tournament, and took home First Place overall
- Annual Derby Days Philanthropy Week (March 31st-April 4th)- Spring GDD (April 5th)- Spring Into the Streets (April 6th)
Fall 2024
- Member Move-In
- Freshman pledge class pinning at the Bennett Chapel
- Freshman pledge class mixers with Pi Beta Phi and Chi Omega
- Annual Gamma Delta Scholarship Banquet
- Fall Semester Car Wash
- Initiated 37 New Members
- Dad's Day Golf Tournament at Lakeside Country Club
- Participated in Homecoming with Alpha Delta Pi
- First Place in Homecoming Frenzy Flag Football tournament
- Fourth Place in Follies with Pi Beta Phi
- Rave on the Strip: Date party hosted at Coney with Phi Gamma Delta
- Into the Streets Philanthropy event
- Elected a new Executive Board of Officers
- Finals week: ended the semester with a 3.51, placing 3rd out of all fraternities